Taro and Sago with Coconut Milk

October 1, 2020Mrs. Lin's Kitchen
taro and sago

Taro and Sago with Coconut Milk dessert is a classic Chinese sweet soup dessert that’s often served at Chinese restaurants after you finish your meals. It’s simple to prepare at home. And today I will share with you how I make this dessert

There are two major parts of making Taro and Sago Coconut Milk Dessert. First is cooking sago and the second part is cooking the taro soup. To eat, you just simply assemble the taro soup, sago and coconut milk.

I will share with you 2 different ways of cooking the taro soup so you can choose which one you like best.


taro and sago dessert
  • 1 lb of taro
  • 1 to 2 cups of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of sago
  • 1 can of coconut milk

The taro you see in the photo above is about 4 lbs. It was the smallest one I could get at my local supermarket. I will only use 1 lb for this recipe and refrigerate the rest for another use.

In my taro and sago dessert recipe, I only use 1 cup of cane sugar. You can adjust the amount depending on your liking but I’d suggest between 1 to 2 cups. Also, you can use other types of sugar. I use cane sugar because it creates a dark brown color.

Sago or Small Tapioca Pearl

You might have not heard of sago but you probably know boba or tapioca pearl. Sago is the tiny member of this tapioca pearl family. It’s quite popular in Asia and is usually used in desserts. Sago comes in different brands so get the one that is available in your local stores.

Taro and Sago with Coconut Milk Dessert

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Taro and Sago with Coconut Milk Dessert

Taro and Sago with Coconut Milk dessert is a classic Chinese sweet soup dessert that’s often served at Chinese restaurants after you finish your meals.



  • 1 lb taro
  • 1 to 2 cups sugar
  • 1/4 cup sago
  • 1 can coconut milk


Cooking Sago

  • 1)

    Add 4 cups of water into a pot and bring it to a boil

    The key to successfully cook sago is you need to add enough water for the sago to absorb and swell up. The ideal ratio for water and sago is 16 to 1 but more is better. Since I use ¼ cup of sago, I need 4 cups of water.

  • 2)

    When water starts to boil, add the sago. Make sure you stir the sago frequently so they won’t stick to the bottom of the pot. Boil sago for 10 to 15 minutes then turn off the heat

  • 3)

    Cover the pot and just let the sago sit for another 10 to 20 minutes. When the white center is gone and sago is transparent then it’s done.

  • 4)

    Rinse the cooked sago under water to get rid of slimy starches on the outside.


  • 5)

    Drain out the water and quickly transfer sago to a bowl of ice-cold water. Sago will be chewier this way. After 10 minutes, take the sago out

Preparing Taro

  • 1)

    First, peel the taro skin. Wash the taro and then cut it into 1-inch cubes

Cooking Taro Soup Method #1

  • 1)

    Put the taro cube in a clean bowl and steam for about 10 to 15 minutes


  • 2)

    After 10 minutes, take out some taro cube if you’d like to serve your dessert with some taro chunks. Continue to steam the rest of the taro for 10 more minutes.
    When taro is done, take it out

  • 3)

    In a food mixer, blend 2 cups of water and steamed taro together until everything is smooth.
    Blending taro in a mixer this way will release all the starches in the taro and this mixture will be thicker.

  • 4)

    Pour the taro mixture into a clean pot. Add in 4 more cups of water and the taro chunks

  • 5)

    Heat up the taro mixture until it’s about to boil.
    Stir frequently so it doesn’t burn at the bottom. The consistency of this mixture should be runny and not pasty. Because starch content is different depending on the maturity of taro so you will need to adjust the water accordingly.

  • 6)

    Before it starts to boil, add 1 to 2 cups of sugar. You can adjust the sweetness depending on your taste.

  • 7)

    Turn off heat when the taro mixture comes to a boil

Cooking Taro Method #2

  • 1)

    Add taro cubes and 6 cups of water into a pot. Bring the mixture to a boil.

  • 2)

    Cover the pot and turn down the heat to medium. Cook it for 20 to 30 minutes.

  • 3)

    Add 1 cup of sugar and stir it well. If you like your taro soup chunkier, stop cooking earlier. If you like a smoother texture, then cook it longer.


  • 1)

    First, add taro mixture in a serving bowl.
    Next, add about a spoonful of sago and a spoonful of coconut milk

    Adjust the amount of each ingredient according to your liking and the dessert is ready to be served

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